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Jira Integration

Integrating Jira & Dock

Updated over a week ago


By integrating with Jira, you can pull in Issues as Dock tasks and sync updates between the two systems.

Add task from Jira

Task gets added to Dock and synced with Jira

The initial sync between Dock and Jira can take up to 72 hours depending on the number of tasks in your system. This is a one time bulk sync.

Getting Started

To configure this integration, follow the steps below.

Please note, you'll need to be an admin in both Dock and Jira to turn on this integration.

Step 1: Navigate to your admin panel by clicking Settings on the left hand nav bar.

Step 2: Under Integrations, select Jira:

Step 3: Accept data permissions.

Step 4: Add Atlassian workspace url:

Step 5: Add API token (follow instructions).

Step 6: Add your email address to log in to Jira.

What gets synced between Jira & Dock?

The following data gets synced between the two systems:


Sync Direction


Issue Name

⬅️ ➡️

Task Name

Issue Description

⬅️ ➡️

Task Description

Issue Due Date

⬅️ ➡️

Task Due date

Issue Status


Task Status

Issue Assignee

⬅️ ➡️

Task Assignee

Issue Comments

⬅️ ➡️

Task Comments

What doesn't sync?

Anything that you don't see in the above table will not get synced.

On the Dock side, this means things like start date, custom statuses, and/or internal statuses will not get pushed back to Jira. On the Jira side, any custom fields or additional fields not shown above will not sync to Dock.

Additionally, please note: commenting only supports plain text.

Comments & Jira

Please note: Due to Jira's API that Dock used to build the integration, there are some nuances to comments that are worth mentioning.

Blocking Comments

If you don't want to sync comments between the two platforms, simply turn off comment syncing from the integration page.

Comments from Jira ➡️ Dock

Comments made in an issue in Jira will flow over to the associated Dock task and will display the name of the person who made that comment. Please note though, Dock only supports plain text comments. You cannot attach files.

Comments from Dock ➡️ Jira

Comments made by an internal team member:

Comments that are posted in Dock by an internal team member (someone with both a Dock account and a Jira account) will post to the associated Jira issue, but they will come from the system integrator. To help clarify who the team member was that actually posted the comment, you'll see a note in brackets:

In this Jira comment above:

  • Prateek Banga: is the system integrator who originally setup the connection between Dock <> Jira.

  • Alex Kracov: is the internal member of the team who actually left the comment in Dock.

Alex has also turned on "email profile visibility" to allow third-party apps (Dock) to view his email address. See below for instructions on how to turn this.

Comments made by a client:

When the user leaving the comment does not have a Jira account (i.e. your client), then here's what the message will look like:

This message came from a user "[email protected]" as denoted by the appended message to this comment.

In this example, Prateek Banga is the system integrator and that's why his name appears as the person leaving the comment and also why it says "posted on behalf of (Prateek Banga)."

Unfortunately, the quirks of this system are determined by Jira and our technical integration provider. There's nothing we can do about the "post on behalf of" situation. While not aesthetically pleasing, we're optimistic this integration still helps surface valuable information in each place.

Note: If you don't take the "email profile visibility" step below, then internal users will be treated like client users.

Internal Users: Turning on Email Profile Visibility

For users who are going to be leaving comments in Dock and Jira frequently, we recommend that they turn on email profile visibility into Jira. This will allow the two systems to recognize a shared internal user and not treat the user as a "client user."

To turn this on, each user will need to take the following steps:

Step 1: Login to Jira

Step 3: Scroll to the bottom

Step 4: In the contact section, turn the setting to "Anyone"

This setting will allow 3rd party apps to view your email address

How long does it take to sync?


In real time

Task Updates (besides comments)

Up to 10 minutes

New Projects + Tasks

Up to 1 hour

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