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Workspace Roles

Configuring roles & permissions when sharing a workspace

Updated over 5 months ago


In Dock, we allow you to set specific roles for each person you share your Workspace with, whether it be internal or external. This gives you control over which colleagues should be allowed to edit your space, and how clients themselves should interact with the space.

How to Configure Roles

To view who currently has access or invite more users, start by navigating to the workspace in question.

From the internal tab, click on either the Share button in the top right or the People tab:

On the People tab, you'll see anyone you've added to the space or who has viewed the space. Dock organizes these viewers automatically as External or Internal based on their email.

If anyone is missing from this list, you can click the + Invite people button to add them!

In the Permissions column, can click the arrow drop-down to adjust their role:

Roles Quick Sheet

Below is a quick sheet to help explain what each of these roles mean:

Why Can't I Edit a Workspace?

If you are a Standard user, then you will be blocked from editing other people’s workspaces. You’ll be able to see the Internal & Shared views, but will be blocked from the editor.

Only an admin of Dock or an "Owner" of a workspace can edit the space. If you’re a Standard user who needs edit access, you have two options:

  1. Ask the workspace owner to add you as an Owner or Editor.

  2. Ask an Admins to mark you as an Admin.

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