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Adding a Workspace View

How to create a new filter for viewing workspaces

Updated this week


Within Dock, you can create custom filtered views of workspaces to help better understand internal and external engagement.

We understand that depending upon the type of workspace or team using Dock, there are certain columns and data that are more or less helpful. That's why we allow you to create your own filtered views with advanced filters, to help you accomplish the following:

  • Create a view for your leadership team with the most applicable filters/data points specific to them.

  • Configure a sales-room only view with deal stage and order form statuses.

  • Organize a view for your onboarding team with start/end dates to keep track of at-risk implementations (or celebrate those that are ahead of schedule!)

To watch a demo, click the video below! Otherwise, continue on to the guide below, where you'll learn how to create and customize these views, so you can create ones that are most impactful for your team.

Adding a New View

Step 1: From your Dock homepage (immediately after logging in), you'll see workspaces in your account.

Step 2: Click + Add view, to the right of any pre-existing views.

Default Views

There are several default views that are pre-built in the system for your use:

  • Deal Desk: any workspaces that leverage Dock's order form functionality.

  • Sales: any workspace that has a "Sales" workspace type; an opportunity or deal connected to the workspace from your CRM.

  • Implementations: any workspace that has a "Implementation" workspace type;

  • All Workspaces: all active (not archived) workspaces.

  • My Workspaces: all workspaces you are an owner of.

Create a New View from Scratch

You can also Create new view to customize your own.

Step 1: Name your view.

Step 2: Select the Shared with setting to Private (only you, the view creator) or Everyone.

Step 3: Confirm. The view will automatically appear now as an option on your screen.

Step 4: Click into the view to customize the filters further.

Step 5: Once you're done, make sure you click Save view!

Cloning a Current View

Step 1: Click into the view you want to duplicate.

Step 2: Select Save view on the right.

Step 3: Click Clone.

Step 4: Customize your name and Save!

Step 5: Select Edit Columns to customize the view further!

Customizing a Saved View

Advanced Filters

There are several default properties you can select from to help you build a custom view.

Edit Columns

You can edit columns to customize those that are shown in the view. From within the view, click Edit Columns on the right hand side to configure. You can also create your own custom fields (or map these from your CRM) and make them editable directly from the view.

Once you've made your selections and designated a Fixed column, click Apply.

Rearrange Columns

Drag and drop the column headers to rearrange them in the view.

Remember to click Save view once you're done making changes!

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