Configuring Products & Pricing Models

Creating a product library for quotes and order forms (with examples)

Updated over a week ago


Dock's product library helps sales reps easily create pricing quotes and order forms based on a companies' product offerings. Instead of sales reps starting from scratch every time, they can create line items based on pre-defined products created by the admin.

In the article below, we'll show you how to add your own products and examples of the different pricing models we support.

Getting Started

Once you've navigated to the Order Forms settings, make sure you're clicked into the Products tab.

Understanding the Product dashboard

From the Products page, you'll see all of your previously created products, pricing models, statuses and prices. You'll also see any folders that have been created to help organize your offerings.

  • Active products will be shown to sales reps when creating an order form.

  • Draft products will be hidden from the sales reps

Pricing Models

Dock supports four different pricing models:

  • Per Unit — Based on the number of units sold (e.g. $100 per user per month).

  • Flat Fee — Fixed price for the products or services (e.g. $500 per month).

  • Tiered — Progressive pricing tiers based on usage or licenses.

  • Volume — Price reductions when customers reach specific thresholds, such as hitting a certain number of users.

Organizing Products with Folders

To help organize your products, you can leverage folders. To create a new folder, click on the button on the top right titled New Folder.

Once you've titled your folder, click Confirm. You'll then see it listed under Products.

At any time, you can move Products into the folder by using the checkbox and the Move to button.

Creating a new Product

To create a new product, you can click the blue button on the top right titled New product.

If you are leveraging folders, we suggest you create the folder first to help keep things organized. If you click into the existing folder, you can then build new products directly within.

When creating products, give your product a name and then select from one of the four pricing models, along with an associated currency.

From there, you'll add a Set price for the associated billing frequency.

Please note: By adding a price, you are providing an option for the associated billing frequency. Therefore, only add a price for billing frequencies you support in your pricing plans.

The last step of creating a product is to add a Product description. This is optional, but can add more information to product line items quotes.

Click here for hands on examples of the four different pricing models we support.

Selling Products with Multiple Currencies

Dock supports the majority of currencies in the world. If you sell products with multiple currencies, you'll need to create separate products for each currency.

For example, if I have a product that's $100 or €100, I'll need to have two different products associated with each currency.

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