Configuring Legal Agreement Terms

How to configure the legal agreement around Order Forms

Updated over a week ago


As an admin, you can standardize the legal terms for your team's Order Forms. This helps streamline processes and save them time when they're ready to send a form for signature.

In the article below, we'll guide you through how to set this up.

Getting Started

Once you've navigated to the Order Forms settings, make sure you're clicked into the Legal tab.

Marketing rights

Dock provides three pre-set options to determine the marketing rights. You can use the toggle & default system to have these marketing rights pre-set as terms in your order forms.

When a marketing right is selected in the order form flow, it will appear as a term on the order form itself.

Custom Documents & Red-Lined Agreements

Often times, buyers will want to red-line your agreements and upload custom terms. As an admin, you're able to decide whether you allow for this option in the order form flow.

The setting is simple. Just toggle on/off the custom document option from the settings page.

This will control whether the +Add Custom Agreement button is available to sales reps as they go through the order form process:

Additional Terms

The Additional Terms field can be used to add any additional language to order forms. Again, admins have the control on whether they want sales reps to have access to this functionality.

The setting can be controlled by toggling on/off the Additional Terms from the admin page.

This toggle will determine whether the Additional Terms section is present to reps within the order form builder:

When additional terms are added, the language will show up on the order form itself.

Standard Documents

Lastly, you can upload standard legal agreements or add links.

  • Documents will get attached to the end of the order forms.

  • Links will be added to the terms section.

Any documents added to the admin settings will show up in the legal step as sales reps go through the order form flow. They will then have the ability to keep them or remove them, if needed:

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